
SEO for Beginners: Welcome to Modern Marketing

Learn why every business needs SEO

Sep 27, 2023 |

man with computer in lap leaning against bookshelf
What we cover

Your online presence is your business’s lifeblood, and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the secret sauce that makes it all happen. If you’re new to this, fear not! We’re here to be your digital compass, guiding you along the way. We’ll demystify the basics of SEO, dive deep into the inner workings of on-page optimization, decode the mysteries of meta data, explore the art of primary and secondary keywords, and even teach you how to be a pro at SEO reporting.

The Basics of SEO: Welcome to the race to rank

Let’s start with the ABCs. At its core, SEO is about making your website stand out—in both topic authority and quality of content—in the eyes of search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. At the end of the day, SEO is all about balancing quality and capability to meet user intent/needs. Do these things right, and the search engine titans of today’s world will honor you.

Why is SEO so important?

  • Visibility: SEO helps your website leap to the forefront of search results, ensuring potential customers find you first.
  • Traffic: It’s your ticket to a steady stream of organic (unpaid) traffic, reducing your reliance on costly ads.
  • Credibility: High search rankings elevate your brand’s credibility and trustworthiness.
  • Competitive Edge: In the digital age, an effective SEO strategy is the key to staying ahead of the competition.

How is SEM related to SEO?

You might have heard of SEM, or Search Engine Marketing. How SEM is related to SEO might seem confusing, but it’s really not. SEM is the umbrella term that SEO sits under. SEM encompasses SEO, paid advertising, and the whole onslaught of digital marketing generally.

Here are a few examples of SEM and SEO used in context:

Keyword Research: Both start by researching the words and phrases your potential customers use to find products or services.

Content Optimization: SEO optimizes your website content, while SEM uses these keywords for paid ads.

Holistic Strategy: Combining SEO and SEM creates a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that covers both organic and paid channels.

On-page optimization: Craft determines rank

Whether your site is a retail business on Shopify or a Saas company on Drupal, when it comes to on-page optimization, your circumstance is the same: You need to create quality content that is easy—or, even better, delightful—to consume. It’s about making your website both user-friendly and search engine-friendly simultaneously.

Key elements of on-page optimization:

  • Content: High-quality, relevant, and engaging. Remember that content is king.
  • Page Speed: Faster loading times ensure a smoother user experience.
  • Mobile Friendliness: Optimize your site for mobile devices.
  • User Experience (UX): Ensure easy navigation and a pleasant layout.
  • URL Structure: Use clean and descriptive URLs.
  • Header Tags: Properly structure your content using H1, H2, and H3 tags.

Meta data: Your website’s elevator pitch

Meta data is your website’s elevator pitch to search engines and users. It consists of the meta title and meta description, offering a concise summary of your webpage’s content.

Why is meta data important?

  • First Impressions: It’s what users see in search results, influencing their decision to click.
  • Relevance: Well-crafted meta data helps search engines understand your content’s relevance to user queries.
  • Keyword Magic: Including target keywords in meta data improves your chances of ranking for those terms.

Primary and secondary keywords: Your digital treasure map

Keywords are the compass and map of the digital journey you are creating for your site visitors. Knowing the difference between primary and secondary keywords is essential to avoiding big SEO no-nos, like keyword stuffing.

Primary keywords: These are your main keywords, defining the core topic of a webpage. For instance, if you run a bakery, “artisanal bread” could be a primary keyword.

Secondary keywords: These are related keywords that support the primary keyword. Staying with our bakery, “sourdough bread recipe” might be a secondary keyword.

SEO reporting: SEO doesn’t stand for SEt it and fOrget it

SEO is always an uphill battle. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you will never reach a point where you never have to worry about SEO again. In the event that you rank #1 for a highly competitive keyword, somebidy will eventually usurp you. SEO reporting gives you exactly the perspective you need to make sure you remain competitive.

Key metrics to watch:

  • Organic Traffic: Measure the number of visitors from search engines.
  • Keyword Rankings: Keep an eye on your rankings for target keywords.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): Calculate how often users click on your search results.
  • Conversion Rate: Track the percentage of visitors who take desired actions (e.g., making a purchase).
  • Bounce Rate: Assess the percentage of visitors who leave your site without exploring further.

Frequently asked questions

How do I know if my SEO is working?

You can gauge the effectiveness of your SEO efforts by monitoring metrics such as organic traffic growth, improved keyword rankings, and increased conversions. SEO tools can also provide valuable insights into your website’s performance.

Should I hire someone to do my SEO?

While some businesses opt to manage SEO in-house, hiring an experienced SEO professional or agency can be a wise investment. SEO experts have the knowledge and tools to navigate the complex world of SEO and deliver results more efficiently.

What is the best SEO tool?

There are numerous SEO tools available, each with its strengths. Some popular options include Moz, SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Google Analytics. The best tool for you depends on your specific needs and budget.

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